主要从事智能微电网的运行优化与配置优化、微型生物反应器研制及其过程检测与建模控制以及信息物理系统、智能仪表的教学和科研工作。获省部级科技进步二等奖及以上5项,三等奖2项, 在国内外学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文120余篇。
Prof. Qiqiang Li is currently the academic leader of the systems engineering program of the School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, a member of Academic and Degree Subcommittee of School of Control Science and Engineering, a member of Institute of Marine Science and Technology, outstanding teacher of Shandong University, standing director of Shandong Energy Conservation Association, deputy secretary general of Shandong Energy Conservation and Low Carbon Association, vice chairman of Shandong Society for Measurement, external director of Shandong Institute of Metrology, standing director of Subsection of industrial data analytics and optimization of Operations Research Society of China , Member of Technical Committee on Integrated Automation of Chinese Association Automation, member of Technical Committee on Quality Measurement and Testing of Chinese Society for Measurement.
His current research interests are concerned with sizing and economic operation optimization of smart grid, research and development of micro-reactor for microorganism, cyber-physical systems and intelligent instrument. He won the second prize of the provincial level scientific and technological progress, and has published more than 120 papers in academic journals and international conferences.
浙江大学博士 (1998)
美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 环境与能源技术部,访问学者(2006~2007)
Ph.D., Zhejiang University of China (1998)
Professor of Shandong University (2001- )
Visiting Scholar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA (2006-2007)
Research Interests:
Modelling and optimization algorithm of complex systems.
代表性著作/Selected Publications:
1. Rui Wang, Qiqiang Li*, Bingying Zhang, and Luhao Wang. Distributed Consensus Based Algorithm for Economic Dispatch in a Microgrid[J]. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2018.2833108
2. Bingying Zhang, Qiqiang Li*, Luhao Wang, Wei Feng. Robust optimization for energy transactions in multi-microgrids under uncertainty[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 217C: 346-360.
3. Luhao Wang, Qiqiang Li*, Ran Ding, Mingshun Sun, Guirong Wang. Integrated scheduling of energy supply and demand in microgrids under uncertainty: A robust multi-objective optimization approach. Energy, 2017, 130: 1-14.
4. Luhao Wang, Qiqiang Li*, Mingshun Sun, Guirong Wang. Robust optimization scheduling of CCHP systems with multi-energy based on minimax regret criterion [J]. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution. 2016, 10(9): 2194-2201.
5. Min Li, Qiqiang Li.* Admissible consensus of multi-agent singular systems, Asian Journal of Control[J], 16(4), pp. 1169-1178, 2014.
6. 李歧强, 丁然, 李晓磊, 李明. 流程工业生产调度优化方法[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.
7. 李歧强, 丁然, 郭庆强, 梁涛, 杨茜, 董敏亚, 夏茂森, 王智. 炼油企业能量系统优化技术实施方案[R]. 2010
8. 李歧强, 李健民, 张元福, 严凤涛, 姬厚华, 董勇, 张炳哲, 郭庆强, 杨茜, 于峰, 孙玉梅, 李西海[R]. 钢铁企业能源管理中心建设方案. 2011