高文跃 博士
Dr. Wenyue GAO
高文跃,女,山东大学海洋研究院副研究员,山东大学未来计划青年学者,山东省优秀青年基金项目(海外)获得者。主要致力于分析化学新方法及传感器的研究,在利用多种分析化学方法包括荧光、化学发光、电化学发光及电化学方法等进行各类离子和分子的分析传感方面做出了诸多创新性的工作,目前已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem. Sci.、Anal. Chem.、ACS Sens.、Chem. Commun.等国际著名期刊发表论文40余篇,论文总被引1000多次,h-index 20。获中国发明专利授权3项。作为负责人或学术骨干参与多项课题研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,山东省优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)1项,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,山东大学“青年学者未来计划”基金项目1项。作为学术骨干参与多项国家及省部级以上项目。
GAO Wenyue is an associate research scientist at Institute of Marine Science and Technology in Shandong University. Dr. Gao focuses on the investigation and application of analytical methods and sensors. She did a lot of creative work to detect various ions and molecules with different analytical methods including fluorescence, chemiluminescence, electrochemiluminescence, and electrochemical techniques. Dr. Gao has published more than 40 papers in some of the most famous international journals such as Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci., Anal. Chem., ACS Sens. and Chem. Commun. Her papers have already been cited for more than 1000 times. She has hosted 4 funded projects and participated as a main investigator in many projects.
Students with a background of chemistry, marine chemistry, materials science, optical engineering, or electronic science and technology are all warmly welcome!
中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 博士 (2012-2017)
南方科技大学 研究助理 (2018)
日内瓦大学 博士后 (2018-2020)
山东大学 海洋研究院 副研究员 (2020至今)
Ph.D., Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2012-2017)
Research Assistant, Southern University of Science and Technology (2018)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Geneva (2018-2020)
Associate Research Scientist, Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Shandong University (2020-)
Research Interests:
Dissolved oxygen sensors, marine chemical sensors, investigation and applications of novel analytical methods
Selected Publications:
1.Ma, X. G.; Gao, W. Y.; Du, F. X.; Yuan, F; Yu, J.; Guan, Y. R.; Sojic, N.;* Xu, G. B.* Rational Design of Electrochemiluminescent Devices, Accounts of Chemical Research 2021, 54, 2936-2945.
2.Wang, C.; Halawa, M. I.; Lou, B. H.; Gao, W. Y.;* Li, J. P.;* Xu, G. B.* Detection of ascorbic acid based on its quenching effect on luminol-artemisinin chemiluminescence, Analyst 2021, 146, 1981-1985.
3.Gao, W. Y.; Zdrachek, E.; Xie, X. J.;* Bakker, E.* A Solid-State Reference Electrode Based on a Self-Referencing Pulstrode, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 2294-2298.
4.Gao, W. Y.; Xie, X. J.;* Bakker, E.* Direct Potentiometric Sensing of Anion Concentration (Not Activity), ACS Sensors 2020, 5, 313-318.
5.Gao, W. Y.; Jeanneret, S.; Yuan, D. J.; Cherubini, T.; Wang, L.; Xie, X. J.;* Bakker, E.* Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence for Chronopotentiometric Sensors, Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91, 4889-4895.
6.Ma, X. G. #; Gao, W. Y. #; Halawa, M. I.; Lan, Y. X.; Li, J. P.; Xu, G. B.* Lucigenin fluorescent assay of tyrosinase activity and its inhibitor screening, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019, 280, 41-45. (#equal contribution)
7.Gao, W. Y.; Muzyka, K.; Ma, X. G.; Lou, B. H.; Xu, G. B.* A single-electrode electrochemical system for multiplex electrochemiluminescence analysis based on a resistance induced potential difference, Chemical Science 2018, 9, 3911-3916. (Cover Page)
8.Gao, W. Y.; Wang, C.; Muzyka, K.; Kitte, S. A.; Li, J. P.; Zhang, W.; Xu, G. B.* Artemisinin-Luminol Chemiluminescence for Forensic Bloodstain Detection Using a Smart Phone as a Detector, Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 6161-6166.
9.Gao, W. Y.; Liu, Z. Y.; Qi, L. M.; Lai, J. P.; Kitte, S. A.; Xu, G. B.* Ultrasensitive Glutathione Detection Based on Lucigenin Cathodic Electrochemiluminescence in the Presence of MnO2 Nanosheets, Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88, 7654-7659.
10.Gao, W. Y.; Saqib, M.; Qi, L. M.; Zhang, W.;* Xu, G. B.* Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence devices for point-of-care testing, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2017, 3, 4-10. (Invited review)
11.Gao, W. Y.; Hui, P.; Qi, L. M.; Liu, Z. Y.; Zhang, W.;* Xu, G. B.* Determination of copper(II) based on its inhibitory effect on the cathodic electrochemiluminescence of lucigenin, Microchimica Acta 2017, 184, 693-697.
12.Gao, W. Y.; Qi, L. M.; Liu, Z. Y.; Majeed, S.; Kitte, S. A.; Xu, G. B.* Efficient lucigenin/thiourea dioxide chemiluminescence system and its application for selective and sensitive dopamine detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 238, 468-472.
13.Gao, W. Y.; Qi, W. J.; Lai, J. P.; Qi, L. M.; Majeed, S.; Xu, G. B.* Thiourea dioxide as a unique eco-friendly coreactant for luminol chemiluminescence in the sensitive detection of luminol, thiourea dioxide and cobalt ions, Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 1620-1623.